Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ineffective Instructions 1 - Buried Instructions

This is the first of seven instruction tips. It has close ties to the first parent tip - Talk Less.

Buried instructions: instructions that are followed by too much talking. The talking usually involves lots of explaining or rationalizing about why something should be done. It can also take the form of fussing or criticizing after the command is given.

For example:
"Johnny, do your homework. You know how important homework is. You want to be successful don't you? And you know what a busy week you have ahead of you and you get so stressed. "


"Jane, clean your room. You are such a slob. I don't know how you can stand to live in this pig pen. You are always such a mess."


Instructions should be clear, succint, one at a time (2 max), and with enough time for a person to follow up. Stating instructions like they are rules can be especially helpful for younger children.

For example:
"Johnny, it's 4:30. Time for homework."

"Jane, hang your clothes in the closet. Put your shoes in the closet too."


Try it and then post a comment about how it works out for you.

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